When Every Month Is Movember: Behold The Beard & Mustache Champions

By Anni K

Beards have been around for a long time. Not only are they a style choice, but they are also quite sacred in some religions. Many people with beards take an extreme amount of pride in them. Growing them long and healthy is a task that is not easily maintained—styling the beards is even more difficult.

A few of these men from the 2022 Beard & Mustache Championship took their beards to the next level and styled their facial hair in incredible ways. It is fascinating to see the dedication and patience it must have taken to grow their beards and mustaches to these lengths. We wonder how many hair products they used. Which of these beards do you consider to be the very best?

Semi Steam-Punk

If you’re unfamiliar with the fashion trend “steam-punk,” it usually involves a tophat, like this man is wearing, and a crazy cool mustache and beard—along with some industrial accessories, like gears and cogs with a fabulous pair of round glasses. 

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Although this is not entirely the steam-punk style, the futuristic styling of his mustache and beard is absolutely fitting for the style. It almost looks like he has a second mustache in his beard. It is very eccentric and cool.

Mythical Weave

This beard has some serious dimension to it. If you look closely, you will see that he has woven his beard into this style and then finished up each piece in a little loop. He looks like a mythical cowboy. 

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The clean lines of his beard and mustache truly make the styling of his facial hair an art piece. This also reminds us of some Celtic knots, which are pretty intricate too. He’s won third place in the full beard category. 


This mustache style is actually called the “Fu Manchu” and is characterized by its long and thin ends that hug your chin on the sides as it grows downwards. This guy obviously had to take it to an extremely long length for the contest. 

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His outfit references a dojo master, the highest level in the martial arts world. Another word for a dojo master is sensei, meaning “teacher.” This guy can undoubtedly teach anyone some tips and tricks for growing a mustache to these lengths. 

Space Cowboy

With the outfit of a fancy cowboy and the beard of an intergalactic superhero, this man’s facial hair is styled in an exciting way that we find to be incredibly detailed. It almost seems like his beard is making a shield.

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The fact that his hair is greying makes it look even more rad because it gives his beard a metallic effect—fitting if he was going for the space cowboy look we mentioned. Do not, under any circumstances, mess with this guy. 

Wise Man

It looks like this man with his gorgeous curly beard styled in perfect waves and trimmed-to-perfection mustache has seen some things in his life. Doesn’t it seem like he would invite you to sit down with a cup of tea and tell you all about it?

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We imagine the stories he could tell us about his time as a major in the war, an avid gardener, and of course, how long it took him to style his beard for this competition. His mustache must have been what they modeled the mustache emoji after. 

Classic Santa

This man is the perfect Santa. If there was a category in the competition for the closest Santa lookalike, he would win first place for sure. He even has a red and white hat on. How much more perfect can his look get?

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Maybe if he had on a red suit, it would have been better, but we’re not complaining! His glasses are perfect too. And, of course, he has a lustrous, full beard that is white as snow to make the fairy tale come to life.

Mr. Twist

Whilst his beard is on the less intricate side of styling, it is still incredibly full, thick, and wonderful. The way he is able to define every twist of his beard is commendable. The only thing missing is some tiny figurines caught up in it. 

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Allow us to explain: it would be perfect if he added some small figurines caught in the twist, making his beard look like it is a twister or tornado. He would definitely win the comedy & creative section of the competition. 

The Future is Now

You can see this beard in one of two ways. Either you see a futuristic-looking beard that will become the standard style to wear your beard in the year 3000 (of course, the cool sporty glasses are a uniform requirement).  

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Or, you can see this as one of those inkblot tests where you have to interpret what you see, and a psychologist will tell you what’s happening inside your head. Imagine this guy as your psychologist telling you to look at his beard for answers. 

Pig Tails

At first glance, you think, “okay, it’s a beard with two little braid pigtails; what’s so special about that?” We’re here to tell you that growing a uniformly thick and full beard like this guy’s beard is no easy feat. 

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He must have spent years growing it and hours brushing it and caring for it every day. A full beard has a lot of knots, just like you would get in long hair. So, that is some real dedication right there. 

Triple Handlebar

It is probably not accurate to call this style of mustache a triple handlebar, but it should be! It really does look like this guy was so good at growing mustaches that he grew and perfectly styled three of them.

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The clean-shaven look of the rest of his face seems odd at first, but it enhances his mustache’s intricate styling. We also couldn’t help but notice his necklace—a cheeky reference to the cool beard and mustache of Jack Sparrow, perhaps?

Fullest Beard

Here we have the champion of the fullest beard category in the championship, and it is very well deserved. The color of his beard is so beautifully vibrant. His mustache is also not to be forgotten. It is incredibly impressive. 

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How on earth do you grow beards like this? Some say carrots make your eyes strong, but what is the equivalent secret potion for growing a long beard? This guy must have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of his life. 

Howdy Partner

Now, this guy’s kind eyes and beautifully curled mustache just make us feel happy. If he was a doctor in a western movie, we would 100% trust him since he just seems to fit the part so well, doesn’t he?

Greg Anderson Photography

Do you think he used extra hold hairspray to keep the curls in his mustache? Or is his mustache just as well-behaved and proud as he is? Is his mustache this groomed even right after he wakes up? Probably not; this must have taken a keen eye to master. 


Once you start spelling letters and making symbols in your beard, you know you have next-level facial hair styling skills. The amount of loops, twists, and curls this guy has made is impressive, and then he adds symbols in there too.

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The symbol in his beard represents anarchy, and it seems to fit his persona. He looks like he enjoys going against the norm and being wild. Plus, his super tall mohawk that is bone-straight is pretty impressive too. We want to be this awesome when we grow up.

Serving Looks

This picture of this man takes us back to old western cowboy movies. You would either find him challenging you to a duel or serving you a big glass of beer at the end of a long day on your trusty steed. 

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It’s probably his bolero tie that makes us think he would be perfect for an old-timey cowboy movie, but his mustache is so classic. How could he not be cast in a movie like that? Plus, his vest completes his ensemble. 

Chill’ n Grow

This guy seems as cool and chilled as a cucumber. It is almost as if the secret to his long beard, which earned him the number 2 spot in the fullest beard category, is to just chill out and let it be. How awesome is his bright orange beard?

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He is obviously a biker, so he’s on the road a lot. How do you think he goes about securing his beard on long journeys? It’s far too long to be considered safe on the road. How about that for bragging rights?


What would be the male name for Rapunzel? This guy perfectly suits the role of the bearded Rapunzel with his long and thick plaited beard. It is worthy of being in a movie. Perhaps he could play Gandalf in the remake of the Lord of the Rings movies. 

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Or better yet, Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series. There is just something fantastical about this man’s beard—the different colors, the soft look, and the fullness of his beard. His really funky shirt just completes the look. Someone get this man an agent!

Smooth Talker

Imagine this guy comes up to you, and instead of flirting with you, he just styles his beard as he did for his competition. It has a heart in it! Talk about commitment. If he loves his partner as much as he loves his beard, then it’s true love.

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He made a clever choice by completing his look with a romantic red shirt and patterned red and black vest. If there was a romantic category, he would take first prize. How many styling products do you think he used to keep that heart in shape?


This guy reminds us of Professor Archimedes Q. Porter in the Tarzan animated movie. Although the professor in the movie did not actually have a beard, he had a very thick handlebar mustache. We must say, this guy recreated the look perfectly. 

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His beard makes his mustache appear thick and bushy. In actuality, it is not. It’s just clever styling and years of growth. His little explorer hat also adds to the Professor Porter aesthetic, right? Perhaps he can be cast in the live remake of Tarzan.

Let’s Ride

This guy looks like he can take you for a ride on his Harley Davidson motorcycle with his cool outfit that matches his awesome beard. His beard is shaped to make his mustache look huge. That is a special talent. 

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We just wonder how it looks when it is not styled. Does he do this look every day, or was it a once-off look for the contest? His friendly smile also looks like it is complemented by his mustache-beard combo, making it look like an extra big grin. 


We’re not sure if his shirt choice was deliberate or not, but his beard blends in perfectly with the color of the shirt, doesn’t it? In fact, it’s also almost as long as his shirt, making this a perfectly camouflaged beard. 

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It is lovely that his hat sort of matches his mustache too. If there was one, this guy would win the best-matched outfit to beard category. His long, lush beard looks like an orange creamsicle waterfall, just dreamy and beautiful. 

Sharp as Nails

We’re not sure if his mustache is in the style of a modified handlebar mustache or if it is English inspired. Whatever it is, it is impressively long and thin. You could poke out your competition’s eye with that thing. 

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There’s a good reason why he won first place in the mustache category; look at the length of it! Most men might agree that it takes a lot more effort to perfectly preserve your mustache than it does to keep your beard long.

Full Body Armour

We’re not sure if this guy’s broad shoulders make his beard bigger or if his beard makes his shoulders appear bigger. Whatever it is, this guy deserves a first place for a full beard. The different colors in his beard make it even better. 

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Look at the perfect color gradient his beard has. The hair from his chin starts off light and turns into a deep, rich color at the end. Surely, that’s a sign that he has had some magical help to make him win first place. 

Fit for a Pirate Villian

Remember when you were younger and watched films like Peter Pan and other movies with villains? There always seemed to be a villain with a great mustache or beard, right? This man completed his look with an eyepatch and skull brooch. 

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We appreciate the point his mustache’s edges have been styled to. It could poke out an eye or two. Is that what made him need an eye patch? Perhaps he swore revenge with a sharper mustache. We love the trim pointy beard to complete his look!

Hippie Chic

We have seen some gentlemanly beards, some full and thick beards, and even some wacky-styled beards, but this dreaded beard style is just as impressive as the others. This style is difficult to maintain if your hair doesn’t naturally form dreadlocks. 

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This beard definitely stands out from the crowd. It is even complete with beads and a really funky and colorful outfit. His pose is just the cherry on top. We bet this guy has some great stories to tell around a campfire. 

Circus Beard

Regardless of his neat and formal attire, this gentleman’s beard is super wacky and reminds us of the performers of Cirque du Soleil with their hoops and the crazy body contortions they do while in the air. This beard seems to almost move.

Greg Anderson Photography

Another way to look at this would be to note the 9 vortexes in his beard, all swirling into different dimensions. Maybe they lead to planets where outlandish beards are the norm, and everyone has access to unlimited styling products. 

Giant Paintbrush

Take a step back and look at this wonderfully long beard. Does it not remind you of the perfectly shaped tip of high-quality paint brushes used by artists? It looks like an artist’s dream. Imagine doing calligraphy with his beard. 

Greg Anderson Photography

We love the unique shape of this man’s beard; it starts off narrower at the top, where his chin is, flares out slightly, and finally meets at a nice sharp point at the end. The gradient of color also makes this very artsy. 

Human Timeline

This is one cool beard—not because this guy looks like he works for a beard mafia, but look closely, and you’ll see the point his hair started to turn grey. He has preserved a bit of his natural hair color at the tip of his beard. 

Greg Anderson Photography

He might be perfectly suited to be a grim reaper, here to take away the lost hairs of your beard, consuming it and adding it to his beard’s youth. This beard really sparks our imagination. It is just a genuinely beautiful-looking beard. 

Quadruple Sharp

This man has a seriously sharp look (excuse the pun). Everything, from his goatee to the tip of his long and thin mustache, is ready to slice through any obstacle. He might be trying to keep people away with his facial hair. 

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However, in our opinion, this beard would have the opposite effect on most people. How could you resist the urge to touch the tip of his mustache and feel just how pointy it is? We appreciate his vest complementing the outline of his goatee. 

Mini Facehugger

This man styled his beard in a very similar fashion to a face-hugger, a fictional monster that hugs your face in the most horrific way. However, instead of being horrific, this guy’s intricately styled beard is absolutely amazing to look at.

Greg Anderson Photography

You see a lot of perfect curves in other beards that are also excessively styled like his, but the almost angular lines he has created certainly set him apart from the rest. His outfit gets a 10 out of 10 too. 

Whatcha Lookin’ At 

We’re absolutely staring at this guy’s beard. The seamless transition from mustache to beard almost makes it seem like he doesn’t even have a mouth, only a majestic waterfall of facial hair leaving his face where his mouth should be.

Greg Anderson Photography

Look closely; his mustache is actually incredibly long. However, you probably only noticed his long beard at first. Can you imagine the patience this man must have to take care of this beard for this long? He deserves a prize for that.

Punk Meets Beard

A good crossover is one of the most fantastic things in any sort of art. You would think those inspired by punk style have extreme mohawks and maybe a goatee, but this guy took both arts to extreme levels of cool.

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Not only is his mohawk impressively stiff and tall, but his beard is also very thick and long, yet he styled it so intricately, with a rather punk-like message. The skull tattoo shows how committed this guy is to the punk life.

Thick and Lush

Although this man’s beard is short, you cannot deny the fact that his beard is very full and very thick, which is why he won first place in the full beard category of the competition. Did someone say “solid beard wall?”

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Look at it. It seems like no light particle can pass through his beard. He looks like he is hiding some top-secret files behind that impenetrable wall of hair. Jokes aside, it is a beautifully shaped beard worthy of the win. 


This young lad has a very classic and old-timey style of mustache called a handlebar. It is wonderfully thick and thins out as it reaches the ends. It’s very often styled in a nice curve, as this guy has done. 

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Legend has it; the bigger the curl, the stronger the mustache. Okay, that’s a lie, but maybe there is some truth to it. It takes hours and hours of work to get your mustache this perfect, and surely he rubs some good vitamin-enriched oils onto it as well.

Alpine King

With his traditional hat and outfit, topped off with an impressive beard and mustache, it looks like this man rules the Alpine mountains. He looks like he can be found yodeling his heart out while his facial hair gently bounces in the wind. 

Greg Anderson Photography

It seems as if he hasn’t used any gel or spray in his beard to make it curve up. Perhaps it is just something your beard does when exposed to a fresh alpine breeze bright and early in the morning?

Hook ‘Em Up

We mean no disrespect when we say it looks like this man’s mustache are two spokes sticking out the sides of his face, ready to hang up his hat after a long day of work as the town sheriff in an old cowboy film. 

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It is an interesting styling choice for a handlebar mustache, but we certainly respect it. It looks super stiff and like it won’t bend, even with great force applied. With those steely eyes, we wouldn’t come close enough to this guy to try.

Human Measuring Tape Beard

We are at a loss for words with this wonderfully long and healthy beard. You can see the pride on this guy’s face, and we can totally understand why. He got third place for the fullest beard in the competition. 

Greg Anderson Photography

Surely, he must have spent well over 5 years growing his beard this long, not to mention all the oils, lotions, and brushing he has had to do during that time. This guy must have tons of patience. Well done to him. 

Sickle Slice

Other than the other typically curled handlebar mustaches we have seen so far, this guy did something different. It’s very subtle but makes for a unique look. Can you tell what it is before we tell you what is different?

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He has flattened out the edges of the curves in his mustache, making them look super sharp—almost like a sickle. We wonder if it is easier to do it this way or if the traditional way of twisting the hair before curling it is easier. 

Double Trouble

You might think this is similar to the triple handlebar mustache from earlier, but these curls all come from this guy’s beard, making it a very three-dimensional styling of his beard. It is so satisfying to look at something so perfectly symmetrical. 

Greg Anderson Photography

We imagine it is a lot like drawing on eyeliner. One side becomes thicker than the other side, so you fix the other side. Before you know it, your entire eyelid is black. How long did this guy have to work until his beard was even on both sides?

Wild Stache

Does anyone remember the Nickelodeon TV show called The Wild Thornberries? If you know, you know. If you don’t, the father character in the story has a very similar large stache. He even has the same color hair as this guy.

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Although, we admit this guy is way better looking and has a better-shaped nose and forehead than the guy from the kids’ TV show. His stache also looks like it is alive or electrified. Perhaps it is his bright smile that makes it look that way.


This guy never has to use disposable chopsticks again with that nice and sharp mustache. He can simply maneuver the tips of his mustache to grab onto his food and feed himself. Plus, his “chopsticks” are right there by his mouth. 

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Okay, it might not work that well, but the resemblance is uncanny. He also looks just so happy to be at the competition and to be amongst the other contestants. He has a really nice full beard, albeit a bit short.