5 Must-Have Shoes For Every Man
Every outfit looks great with the perfect pair of shoes. That stylish look you have always wanted can be achieved by choosing the right shoes. Therefore, keep on reading to discover the stylish shoes that should grace your wardrobe.
1. Brogue
The shoe’s design contains holes and perforations which were initially meant to help drain water after crossing swamps in muddy areas of Ireland. It has become a well-respected pair of shoes in this modern day. Therefore, for formal occasions, it is recommended that you choose dark brown brogues.

However, for casual purposes choose the light brown color. Furthermore, always remember that more broguing on the shoe makes the shoes look casual.
2. Suede Chukka
The Chukkas are round-toe, ankle-high boots with 2 to 3 lacing eyelets. Moreover, the texture of suede Chukkas speaks volumes about the shoe style and there’s no need for over-the-top trimmings. Go for a pair of tan or cream suede chukkas which offers a stylish alternative to sneakers. You can now wear your pair of jeans and polo shirt with chukkas. They create a more approachable appearance that is not too formal.
3. Leather Boot

This storytelling shoe is perfect for your winter wardrobe. Therefore, put on an ankle-high, black, or dark brown boot to create a casual and edgier aesthetic look especially when your pants are cuffed. Furthermore, a conservative appearance is created when you pull your trousers over the top of boots.
4. White Low Top Trainer
A more casual appearance is created by these shoes. They match very well with black jeans. As a result, a casual neat look is portrayed.
5. Loafer
This Scandinavian shoe has been transformed into the sartorial style of preppy culture. Furthermore, it is now a streamlined show style that has become the mainstay of smart casual for the summer months. A low and lace-free pair of brown loafers suits both casual and formal looks.